There is no remedy for love but more love.

– Henry David Thoreau



In the midst of heartbreak, the idea of loving more can be a personal Mount Everest. In the throes of heartbreak and bottomless loss, consumed with feelings of betrayal, hurt, anger, shame, blame, and grief, whether directed toward yourself or another, that loving feeling is often nowhere to be found.


Your relationship with yourself is the blueprint

for all the relationships in your life…


Yet, it is LOVE – not romantic love – rather the trust and faith that you are supported, that this pain and suffering, ultimately, is a gateway (tho’ not as fast as may you like) to a more loving relationship with yourself. Since your relationship with yourself is the blueprint for all the relationships in your life – as you move through heartbreak you open yourself to more loving relationships.


Heartbreak feels lousy. It is these lousy feelings that my coaching clients most often want to get rid of. If they have previously put energy and time into emotional and spiritual growth, they are frustrated that this issue has surfaced again. I have heard clients say over and over and over again, “I already dealt with this, why is this happening again to me?”  While this may very well be true, it is happening again because you are at a growing edge, a leading edge (that doesn’t have to be a bleeding edge) – to deepen and expand your capacity for Love, starting with yourself.


Today’s Remedy: Feel the Feelings


Whenever you want to get from point A (your current situation) to point B (your desired result) you must begin where you are. We don’t get rid of feelings, they are the energetic frequency of our beliefs – the thoughts we have thought so often that we believe it to be truth. It is when we acknowledge our feelings and wake-up to the beliefs that fuel them that we transform our experience. So how do we feel the feelings and transform our experience?


During the next few posts I’ll focus on the what’s in my personal medicine bag  that I have dosed myself with frequently during my devastating heart break that began in May 2017 and have contributed to my healing. I turned to my journal immediately with it’s blank pages that were an invitation to express myself fully and completely.



Journal Writing: Write your feelings. Don’t hold anything back. This is for your eyes only. Write what you would say to the person who broke your heart, not with the intention of sending it, rather as a way to move the pain, hurt, anger – whatever you are feeling through you. You might begin simply with the words, I’m feeling…



Here’s what I wrote, in my journal two days after I received the email that left me feeling devastated, as tears streamed down my face and onto my journal page



I put my pen down, and immediately fell asleep. 


While my feelings didn’t disappear with this one journal entry, it was a start. So wherever you are in the midst of heartache, give yourself permission to express all your feelings – and even if you experience only momentary relief, trust that you are on the road to healing your heart.


I’d love to hear from you, leave comments, questions, suggestions in the Comment Section below.


‘Til next time.